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The Church is What? |
W. A. Dillard |
Text: Matthew 16:18 (12) "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Introduction We are blessed (?) to live in a time when Satan has succeeded in counterfeiting the Lord's New Testament church multiple times, and he has succeeded also in confusing the idea and definition of "church." Please think with me about this important subject. There are essentially four main definitions of church in various segments of society today.
First, there is the universal, visible church. This is the essence of the viewpoint of Catholic and Church of Christ positions. Second, there is the universal invisible church which includes any spiritually saved person as a member although it never meets and there is no church roll. This view is a product of the Protestant Reformation. Reformers sought to justify church authority to administer the ordinances or sacraments without submitting themselves to the Catholic Church from which they had come. While this is essentially the Protestant view, it has been adopted by neo-protestant congregations, and in theology by some who call themselves "Baptists." Third, there is the viewpoint of secularists who believe anything religious is essentially church as noted in the separation of church/state issue of government. Fourth, and true to the New Testament pattern is the definition of a New Testament church being a group of born-again, scripturally baptized individuals who are covenanted together for the purpose of carrying out the terms of the Great Commission Jesus gave to it (Matthew 28:18-20). Such a church is local and visible, and is the only form of it by precept, example, and doctrine in Holy Writ. Some would postulate, "why be a stick in the mud. What difference does it make?" The answer is simple. Jesus gave us His Word, and He commanded His disciples to carry it out. The same Lord Who gave the Word is the One before Whom all shall one day stand. The carnal infusion of man's thinking into religious affairs would ultimately make the Word to be meaningless, and it should not be thought that God will judge in any fashion other than in full accord with His Word. Certainly, it is evident that a lot of folks relegate God's Word, the Savior, and His church as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition, and that the God of love would never be harsh no matter how one lives or what he believes. In that vein of thought, the Bible is owned, but never read. The sleep of confusion reigns. But, judgment is coming! Dear reader, the idea is not how far away from Bible teachings can you get and still be considered a Christian by men. Rather, it is how close to New Testament teachings and examples can you get so as to be regarded a Christian by the Lord Himself! |
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