Bible Science... |
Where did God come from? |
by Kent Hovind |
If we're speaking of the Creator God of the Bible, then it is naturally understood that such a Creative Force, or Spirit Energy must, of necessity, be larger than (thus outside the limitations of ) His own creation. If God came from (was as a result of) something, then that something would be greater than God. The supposition therefore is that God was not caused but is rather the Source or the First Cause -- and His creation is the Affect. There has to be of necessity a 'first cause' in the 'cause and affect' principle. If God was limited by the boundaries we see in the universe He would cease to be that Supreme Deity we see recorded in the Bible. Those boundaries are time, space & matter, also referred to as a continuum. All three of these entities needed to be brought forth at the same split second at the point of creation or the creation as we know it could not have come into existence. "For example, if there were matter but no space where would you put it? If there where matter and space but no time, when would you put it? In other words you cannot have time, space and matter independently. They have to come into existence simultaneously." - Kent Hovind Note the Bible's reveal of the coninuum; "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1
If, for example God is limited by time He is not God. The person who invented the camera was not himself inside the camera opening and closing the shutter or capturing the image onto a film. He remained outside of his invention. God, although a Spirit, could indeed create such a material universe by His unlimited knowledge and power as stated in the Bible. We see a fusion of (and thereby a correlation of) spirit and material when we note that within a material being such as man, there resides the immaterial - his emotions. Thus a spiritual force can for certain have an effect in the material realm, otherwise how do we explain the intangible emotions such as love, hate, fear, jealousy, anger, rationality, etc? If the human brain is just a random collection of chemicals formed by chance over billions of years, then how can we trust our own reasoning processes and the thoughts we think? So, back to the original question, "Where did God come from? It must be noted that such a shallow question assumes a limited God. That is the problem faced by the so-called atheist. The God worshipped by the Christian is not limited by time, space or matter anymore than the inventor of the computer is limited by the math calculations performed by that computer. If we could fit the infinite God in our three pound brain, then He would certainly not be worth worshipping! |